Monday, September 21, 2015

International Dot Day 2015

First graders, Second graders, Third graders, and Fourth graders celebrated dot day the first 2 weeks of September. Dot Day is September 15th. This is a day that celebrates creativity, collaboration, and connecting. The inspiration for this day is from the book The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds. This book encourages everyone to make their mark! This book is fabulous for the beginning of the year. Some students are nervous about art and may not have confidence, which is crazy, because children's art is just fabulous! But this book helps teach students that there are all types of artwork and different is great in art!

First graders created these awesome abstract pieces. Students practiced creating lines on the clear touch panels and then they used a black crayon to create line designs on their paper(making their mark). They used liquid water to paint the shapes created from the lines they drew. Students used bold, bright colored paper to create concentric circles to put on their paper.


Second graders worked collaboratively to make an awesome mural. Each class created a section to this mural. Each table created a piece for the background and then each student created a flower from a paper plate and painted paper. I got this idea from this awesome art teacher's blog

Classes Left to Right Mr. Herman, Ms. Jamerson, Mrs. Tilson

Third graders created these awesome exploding dots. They came up with some awesome definitions for line, shape, pattern, and design. They then created an abstract piece of art with crayons using line, shape, pattern, and design. They painted these with watercolors and then cut them into 1 inch strips. They used construction paper to make a core and then glued these strips to their core. And used some paper techniques to enhance their exploding dots. This idea came from this awesome art teachers blog


Fourth graders created these amazing mixed media pieces. Students glued yarn down on a circular piece of cardboard. They then put aluminum foil on the circle. Students then used sharpies to create designs on the aluminum foil. They painted a square piece of cardboard and glue their design on the cardboard. These are awesome!!!


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